Oscar logo with various illustrations wrapping around the type: a bandaid, a stethoscope, a pair of glasses, pills, etc.


Since 2014, Oscar has been a trailblazer in modern healthcare, known for its playful, user-first branding. In 2020, I was brought on to create a fresh illustration style that evolved beyond their previous whimsical look. This new direction aimed to spotlight what sets Oscar apart: its warmth and sincerity. The illustrations took on a more realistic tone, mirroring the true makeup of Oscar’s diverse audience and celebrating their genuine experiences. The focus shifted from caricatures to relatable, imperfect glimpses of real life, embracing the messiness and authenticity that resonate with people. Paired with the updated brand, these illustrations convey warmth, sincerity, and the genuine human touch that defines Oscar.

Illustration, Branding

  • Illustration: Tess Havas
  • Project Management: Ashley Van Belle
  • Art Direction: Michael Freimuth
Illustration of people shopping inside a grocery store.
Realistic Illustrations of 20+ people in different positions on a white background.
Photo of a billboard with an Oscar ad on it. The ad has an illustration of a woman reading on a couch with a doctor's office behind her. The text says
Photo of an Oscar health care kit on a wooden table. There is also a hand holding a thermometer.
Illustration of a parachute carrying a pill bottle on a white background.
Photo of Oscar pamphlets.
Illustration of an older woman texting on a mustard colored background. There is a speech bubble coming out of the phone with an illustration of a pill inside.
Illustration of a person massaging an aching shoulder on a peach colored background.
Oscar's website on a black background.
Illustration of a person sitting in the blue Oscar 'O', texting on a white background.
Illustration of the text
Illustration of a doctor knocking on the front door of a house on a white background.
Illustration of the head of a man with glasses on a white background. There is a cloud around his head.
Illustration of a phone, member card, and stethoscope on a white background.
Illustration of a man laying on a couch, playing with his toddler on a white background.
A page of the Oscar app displaying illustrated icons on a bright blue background.
A photo of a mother and son using a stethoscope in a bedroom.
A detailed illustration of a man and pregnant woman dancing at the end of a hospital hallway.
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